GreyShirtGuy greyshirtguy 

A blog of thoughts, experiments, hacks, projects and whatever!
From a deeply nerdy IT-guy serving in Church Media Tech.




ProPresenter – My Font Has An Acute Case Of “Devils Horns”

ProPresenter – My Font Has An Acute Case Of “Devils Horns” For some fonts in ProPresenter, when you add a stroke to the text and increase the thickness of the stroke you might run into these: Some letters start to grow little “devils horns” Basically the horns are caused by a combination of  very acute […]


Hack: Installing ProPresenter 5 on Windows 10

Introduction Here are some instructions to install ProPresenter 5 on a modern version of Windows 10 and also get SongSelect searches working again…   Disclaimer & Warnings Before I start, I should make something perfectly clear….You should NOT do this….If you care about your team and can afford to do so, you should upgrade to […]



If we can’t have ProPresenter on an iPad…..what about “SimplePresenter”…. A long time ago I started work on a super, dumbed-down, simplified version of ProPresenter on an iPad.  I got the prototype basically working and kinda stalled and shelved the idea for many months. Since Pro7 came out, and the chips that Apple are making […]


ProPresenter 7 – File Format, Part 3

This is part 3 in the series and it is a work in progress – its barely started in fact… I have published it now for the sake of quickly sharing some example C# code and will update it over the next few days (maybe weeks). For now, you can find below the required C# […]


ProPresenter 7 – File Format, Part 2

Part 2 of a technical exploration of the ProPresenter 7 file format (.pro) N.B. This information is probably only of interest to developers – nothing here will be of any real use to “regular users” of ProPresenter. TLDR: I now have a useable set of proto files that enable programmers to automatically generate code for their […]


ProPresenter 7 – File Format, Part 1

An early peek at a technical exploration of the ProPresenter 7 file format (.pro) N.B. This information is probably only of interest to developers – nothing here will be of any real use to “regular users” of ProPresenter.   TLDR: Pro6 documents are XML, Pro7 documents (and config files) are Google protocol buffers.  To read […]


ProPresenter 7 – The Game Changer

  ProPresenter 7 is an exciting new version that was written from the ground up on both Mac-OS and Windows. Perhaps the biggest change was that the new Windows version of ProPresenter finally has the same feature set as it’s twin on Mac-OS and has just become a “big boy” 64-bit application just like the […]


greyshirtguy: A nerdy IT-guy serving in Church Media Tech