This is part 3 in the series and it is a work in progress – its barely started in fact…

I have published it now for the sake of quickly sharing some example C# code and will update it over the next few days (maybe weeks).

For now, you can find below the required C# code that will create a simple ProPresenter 7 document with two slides like this:

My First Pro7 Presentation Created By C# Code


  • Demo how to use protoc to generate C# code from the .proto files
  • Demo making a new C# project, adding reference to Google.Protobuf and then adding all the generated C# code files
  • Demo writing simple code to create a document
  • DO a bit of a dive into structure of document and the RTF format used for text elements.
  • Point out that you can generate other languages (eg Python, Java)

Here is a dump of some manually written code that creates a new simple ProPresenter 7 document. The underlying “plumbing” code that enables this to work is auto-generated by the protoc compiler.



// You need to add these namespaces...
using Rv.Data;
using Google.Protobuf;

// Code to read an existing presentation and create a new one from scratch
Rv.Data.Presentation newPresentation, existingPresentation;

using (var input = File.OpenRead(@"C:\Users\media\Documents\ProPresenter\Libraries\Default\"))  // Path to existing presentation
    existingPresentation = Rv.Data.Presentation.Parser.ParseFrom(input);
} // Put in break point here to inspect existing presetation and learn the structure

//  ***** Create new presentation *****
newPresentation = new Rv.Data.Presentation
    Uuid = new UUID { String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() },
    Name = "HelloWorld",
    ApplicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo 
        Application = ApplicationInfo.Types.Application.Propresenter,
        Platform = ApplicationInfo.Types.Platform.Windows

// Create a new cue (with a single action of type presentation_slide)
Cue newCue = new Cue
    Uuid = new UUID { String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() },
    IsEnabled = true,
    Actions = { new Rv.Data.Action
        Uuid = new UUID { String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() },
        IsEnabled = true,
        Label = new Rv.Data.Action.Types.Label 
            Text = "Hello Slide1",
            Color = new Rv.Data.Color
                Red = 0.8f,
                Green = 0.1f,
                Blue = 0.4f,
                Alpha = 1
        Slide = new Rv.Data.Action.Types.SlideType
            Presentation = new PresentationSlide
                BaseSlide = new Slide
                    Uuid = new UUID
                        String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                    BackgroundColor = new Rv.Data.Color
                        Red = 0.05f,
                        Blue =0.2f,
                        Green = 0.6f,
                        Alpha = 0.4f
                    DrawsBackgroundColor = true,
                    Size = new Graphics.Types.Size
                        Width = 1920,
                        Height = 1080
                    Elements = {
                        new Slide.Types.Element {
                            Element_ = new Graphics.Types.Element
                                Uuid = new UUID
                                    String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                                Fill = new Graphics.Types.Fill
                                    Color = new Rv.Data.Color{Alpha =0} // Transparent fill for element
                                Name = "Hello Element",
                                Bounds = new Graphics.Types.Rect {
                                    Origin = new Graphics.Types.Point {X =0, Y=0},
                                    Size = new Graphics.Types.Size {Width = 1920, Height = 1080}
                                Opacity = 1,
                                Text = new Graphics.Types.Text
                                    VerticalAlignment = Graphics.Types.Text.Types.VerticalAlignment.Middle,
                                    RtfData = ByteString.CopyFrom("{\\rtf0\\ansi\\ansicpg1252" +
                                    "{\\fonttbl\\f0\\fnil Arial;}" +
                                    "{\\colortbl\\red255\\green255\\blue255;}" +
                                    "{\\*\\expandedcolortbl\\csgenericrgb\\c100000\\c100000\\c100000\\c100000;\\csgenericrgb\\c100000\\c100000\\c100000\\c100000;}" +
                                    "{\\*\\listtable}{\\*\\listoverridetable}" +
                                    "\\uc1\\paperw12240\\margl0\\margr0\\margt0\\margb0" +
                                    "\\pard\\qc\\slmult0\\slleading0\\f0\\b0\\ul0\\strike0\\fs400\\cf0\\strokewidth0\\strokec1\\nosupersub Hello World"+
                                    "\\par\\pard\\qc\\slmult0\\slleading0\\f0\\i\\b0\\ul0\\strike0\\fs200\\cf0\\strokewidth0\\strokec1\\nosupersub (Slide with green background)}",
                                Path = new Graphics.Types.Path
                                    Shape = new Graphics.Types.Path.Types.Shape
                                        Type = Graphics.Types.Path.Types.Shape.Types.Type.Rectangle

        Type = Rv.Data.Action.Types.ActionType.PresentationSlide

// Add new cue (slide)

Cue newCue2 = new Cue
    Uuid = new UUID
        String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
    IsEnabled = true,
    Actions = { new Rv.Data.Action
        Uuid = new UUID
            String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
        Label = new Rv.Data.Action.Types.Label
            Text = "Hello Slide2",
            Color = new Rv.Data.Color 
                Red = 0.46f,
                Green = 0.0f,
                Blue = 0.8f,
                Alpha = 1}
        Slide = new Rv.Data.Action.Types.SlideType
            Presentation = new PresentationSlide
                BaseSlide = new Slide
                    Uuid = new UUID
                        String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                    BackgroundColor = new Rv.Data.Color 
                        Red = 1,
                        Green = 1,
                        Blue = 1,
                        Alpha = 1
                    Size = new Graphics.Types.Size 
                        Width = 1920,
                        Height = 1080
        Type = Rv.Data.Action.Types.ActionType.PresentationSlide,

// Add new cue (slide)

// Add a new group with above two slides
newPresentation.CueGroups.Add(new Presentation.Types.CueGroup
    CueIdentifiers = { newCue.Uuid, newCue2.Uuid },
    Group = new Group 
        Uuid = new UUID
            String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
        Name = "Hello Group",
        Color = new Rv.Data.Color
            Red = 0.0f,
            Green = 0.467f,
            Blue = 0.8f,
            Alpha = 1

// Create a single arrangement with above group
newPresentation.Arrangements.Add(new Presentation.Types.Arrangement

    Uuid = new UUID
        String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
    Name = "Hello Arrangement",

    // Just add the one group to this arrangement
    GroupIdentifiers = { newPresentation.CueGroups[0].Group.Uuid }

// Set selecte arrangement to the one and only arrangement
newPresentation.SelectedArrangement = newPresentation.Arrangements[0].Uuid;

// Save to file!
using (var fileStream = File.Create(@"C:\Users\media\Documents\ProPresenter\Libraries\Default\"))
    newPresentation.WriteTo(fileStream); // This is an override method provided in Google.Protobuf namespace (make sure to add a using Google.Protobuf;)

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